Kiev, Ukraine




Every day i try to self-develop, write a lot of php code and go in for sport to maintain health
My main objective to start my career of Junior PHP developer and in 3 years become Senior PHP developer or Team Lead. Somebody can say that it was unreal, but in my opinion it's real, if you will work and learn(even 1 hour every day). It's professional objectives. What's about personal goals? I really like to learn languages. English, Germany- I want know all of them, but it is only dreams in not far future. Other objectives won't interesting to you.


  • May 2018 Hope to enter to Binary Studio academy
  • April 2018 - present Strart learning scala in DataRoot
  • 2017-2018 Did some interesting php projects for freelancing
  • 2014-2016 Interrupted university studies because of war
  • 2011-2019 Study at the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Sikorsky


Experience in programming is above 5 years. Firstly it was Pascal, then C/C++, ActiveHDL, Java...
Two years ago I've tried web-development and I Like it. I know JavaScript, SQL, PHP5/7. Now, I', learning Backbone.js and improve knowledge of PHP. Reading books like M. Zandstra ( Advanced methodics of progamming in PHP ( patterns).
Know framework YII2, but in the future I'd prefer to learn if one framework, like Symfony2 or Laravel. Some experience with noSQL databases like Redis, mongoDB and Node.js. Can use Photoshop fot html-templates. I'm easily trained. Have a good relations with collective.

Other languages

When I was studying 1-2 course in the university, we were learning C/C++. Also, I know JAVA8.

Additional information

Marital status: no wife, no children;
Hobbies: reading, sport club, wrestling, programming;
Foreign passport: yes;


2011 - 2019 Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Sikorsky
IASA faculty



My favourite framework with great documentation


Joins, triggers, indexes, optimisation, engines and etc.


Always use it and know it very well.


Of course, Web-development without HTML is nothing..

JavaScript ( AJAX is included)

In my opinion, I have a good knowledge of JavaScript, even know some patterns. Nevertheless, time to time, I can forget functions, if I've not use it for a long time.


I know a lot of common properties, a lot of references. But sometimes, I need a help of Google to find properties, which I've forgotten.


I like this language, because it's easy, fast, but, unfortunately it supports not all from OOP. And I hope that in future versions it will be realised.